Tuesday, November 20, 2012



  SARV ARUNAY namaha. ARUNACHAL name comes frequently
in LALITA’s NAMES. How SHE becomes SARVARUNA and comes
to us? Sunrays come much earlier before SUN arises.
SARATHI.ARUNPRABHA is LALITA, who always stays in
ARUNDASHA. ARUNDASHA means condition of before
arising, which is also called as UDAYAVASTHA.
In MARATHI, we say -
you come to my life.
(beginning or starting). SHE is in ARUNAVASTHA each
and every moment, which is UDAYKAL. Doesn’t SHE come
to our life? SARVARUNA never becomes ASTAGATA means
there is no set or end for HER. Every thing, which
arises, has got its (set) end also. SUN has not arisen
but HIS PRABHA (SUNRAYS) say that SUN is there. There
is only one condition where without its presence
(existence) it is in condition of presence, which is
called as ARUN. Though SHE is not present, SHE brings
light to our lives. Hence we call HER ADIMAYA.SHE is
always in ARUNAVASTHA. LALITA gives notice that
BHAGVAN is coming; SHE is sound of SHANKHA
LALITA –KAMALA MATA is NAD. NAD creates from BINDU and
ends in BINDU. (NAD BINDU se utpanna hota hai and
BINDU me hi VILAY HOTA HAI) VILAY doesn’t mean
destruction. There is no difference between NAD and
AGNI (FIRE) has characteristic of giving HEAT. We
can’t separate AGNI and heat from each other.
Similarly, LALITA is characteristic of MAHAVISHNU,
is characteristic of VISHNU. This SHKTI is of
SHAKTIMAN, which are indifferent from each other. SHE
is in every one’s life but in invisible condition
(SUPTAVASTHA). One can realize its existence but no
body knows any SADHAN (TOOL) to know HER. The one
which is BHAKTI and LOVE, the same is LALITA.KAMALA
,LALITA are called as SHUDH VIDYA which are
AISHWARYAPRADAYINI. (They are pure form of knowledge,
which give all sorts of Aishwarya). AVIDYA doesn’t
come from BHAGVAN. AVIDYA is created through
independence of working ability given to every
HAI).MAYA – KARMASHAKTI is used for bad purposes.
SHUDH VIDYA is used for good purposes. SHUDH VIDYA is
SHUDH MAYA, which is action power of good things and
which is HIS gift to us. BHAGVAN (HE) doesn’t give
AVIDYA.I create AVIDYA through my KARMA.
An ATOMBOMB can be used in 2 ways.
2. ATOMBOMB – as a SANHARAK SHAKTI (destructive power)
Don’t blame BHAGVAN that HE is created AVIDYA.HE has
given independence of KARMA to every individual. I am
doing bad karma due to AVIDYA. AVIDYA is created and
it works, but she is not SARVGUNA (she doesn’t have
all qualities). SARVARUNA is there in my mind in
SUPTAVASTHA, but SHE is acting irrespective of my
awareness about HER. From ARUNPRABHA of LALITA the SUN
arises, which is SUN of SATKARYA (good karma).
Arunvarna LALITA begins SATKARMA, SHE increases
SATKARMA (Vardhan – to increase), and SHE completes
SATKARMA. SUN Rises – afternoon comes  - SUN Sets.
Similarly for SARVARUNA does start – vardhan – end of
Satkarma, but not for HER.SHE does all 3 works, but
SHE is BEING. SHE never comes from anywhere; SHE never
goes to anywhere. SHE is there always. HER existence
is there. But we are not using HER SHAKTI.
We might have heard many stories of ARUNI. But this is
different story. There was a son of RISHI, ARUNI. Once
he went to a forest to feed 100 cows as per his guru’s
order. In afternoon after cows graze, he wanted them
to take to river for drinking water. But all rivers
and ponds were dried up. There was no water at all.
How this 14 years old boy will give them water? In
evening he returns to guru ashram with cows. He tells
the story to guru. Guru asks him he could not get
water anywhere? Has he drunk water? He replied that he
could not get water anywhere. He has also not drunk
water.  Guru asks him to feed water to cows from water
available in Ashram. He fade them water first and
later he drank. In night when Gurumata was checking
whether all children were slept properly. She noticed
Aruni was not there in bed. She went to forest along
with guru and 4-5 students to search him.  They found
that Aruni was searching water below every stone.  He
was making thumb impressions on ground and checking
whether water is there. Where he finds softness, after
digging with leg only he found some water. Thus he
reached to a river. He found softness and little water
there too. He prayed to JALDEVATA (Goddess of water)
and asked why she is angry with him? His Guru has
ordered him to feed cows, but he can’t do that. Thus
guru’s orders were disobeyed. Again he asks what is
his mistake? Till that time gurumata was watching
quietly as per guru’s words. Now she went there and
told Aruni that he has not done any mistake.  She asks
whether JALDEVATA will come after his request. He
answers SHE may not come for me as I may be PAPI, but
for cows (GOMATA) SHE has to come. Next day again he
goes to forest with cows. Till afternoon there was no
water. But after some time some water comes. Cows got
water and he returned back to ashram. Guru mata asked
him whether he could get water. Aruni replied that he
found water. Next day another boy was sent to forest
with cows. But he couldn’t get water. On fourth day
again Aruni went and found water. This happened 2-3
times. Other students thought Aruni is lying. It is
not possible that only he gets water and they will not
get. So they all went to river to see water with guru,
gurumata . The river was full of water. VARUNDEVATA
was pleased with ARUNI and gave darshan to him.  Other
students thought VARUNAJI must have done SOMPAN. There
was some confusion. They were in hurry to ask him
about the truth. Afterwards they returned to ashram.
Every one was eager to ask questions to guru. But he
pointed to guru Mata and told them to answer her
question. She asked first time they all had Darshan of
a GODDESS, how many had bowed to her for salutation.
No one had done NAMSKAR.Guru Mata explained them that
first they have not done Namsakar and second they were
giving bad words for Aruni.  Only Aruni replied he has
done Namskar. But no one had seen him praying to VARUN
DEVATA. So again quarrels started amongst them. Aruni
explained that time he had not done Namskar,but early
morning he had done when he went to river with cows.
He prayed to him and told he knew he couldn’t see but
HE came there to give water to cows. When Varun Devata
gave darshan Aruni was pleased so much and his eyes
were closed with HIS grace, where he saw only his
feet. This is called NIMISHAKAR NAMSKAR. BAPU told in
PANCHAMI examination book it is taught to students and
students of Panchami are aware about that.
BAPU told we are doing same things. We don’t see HIS
action, we want only HIS grace. We should become ARUNI
and not like other students. Before looking at HIS
grace look at HIS LEELA – LALITA. First see BHAGVAN ‘s
LEELA then only you will become ARUNI. ARUNI is one
who looks at ARUNPRABHA constantly (NIRANTAR). We will
become ARUNI when we will see LALITA’S (HER) LEELA.
LALITA is there in each of my work. SHE is there even
in my bad works, standing behind me and instructing me
not to do that work. SHE never comes.  But HER
existence is there in BIDHI in form of
In school, college students study and go for
examination. Before 3 hors of examination tension is
there for students, but after examination there is no
tension. This is because they had passed through
experience of examination, they have realized. This
realization is not about physical matter but
experience about its presence, which only can be
realized. This realizing action is SARVARUNA. We have
thirst, hunger. We can’t show them, but we can realize
them. This realizing action is UDAYARAMBH. While
walking we realize our feet are on ground. Doctor says
this realizing is SENSORY action. Before doing any
action we should realize that SHE stays in
NITYAVASTHA. Have I realized while doing any work this
LEELA of BHAGVAN? Have I experienced love and anger?
I love a thing till before I get it. When that thing
becomes mine I forget realizing that.
See, a young man likes a girl. He realizes love for
her till the time she is not married to him. Before
marriage he losts himself whole day in her memory.
After marriage once she became his wife he doesn’t
realize her presence. He forgets her presence.
Not to accept HER existence is action, which takes you
away from HER. We always realize what things are not
with me. What is lacking in me as compared to others
we always realize very fast (like a car.).
  Realize LOVE. Realize yourself- means do with whole
concentration whatever work you are doing. While doing
one work don’t think about other work.  To have
experience is the work of SARVARUNA. To speak one must
first listen. To get a victory first I should feel,
realize, experience. Realization is must here.
After going to temple I sit in front of idol, GRANTH
or any symbol. We never think this is BHAGVAN. But we
think here some SAVKAR (money-lender) is sitting in
front of me. I never realize BHAGVAN, but I realize
HIS giving POWER. BHAGVAN gives through media of
LALITA. Even after going to a temple I am empty (dry)
because I have not realized HIM.
SHEEKH people call mandir or temple as GURUDWARA. This
is not BHAGVAN’s HOME but it is DOOR OF HIS HOUSE.
to enter in a house we ring a bell first. MANDIR is
BHAGVAN’s DOOR where I should realize HIM. MANDIR,
this realizing power is collected together. Why here
more realizing power is present?  Because all people
do efforts to realize HIM.
   On milk cream is gathered automatically. Similarly
when devotee come together power of LALITA is
concentrated at one place and automatically you will
get that.  The cream never sinks down in milk.
Similarly SARVARUNA LALITA’s SHAKTI is made available
to you. From milk curd, butter can be prepared.
MANDIR is not house of BHAGVAN, but it is DOOR of HIS
HOUSE. My house’s door is also BHAGVAN’s door.  HE
stays there where HOLYNESS (PURITY) is present and
If a HINDU goes to CHURCH, don’t think BHAGVAN is not
present there in a CHURCH. Think that is your RAM. In
first reincarnation of MAHAVISHNU.
PARMESHWAR. There is no difference in different forms
(roops) of BHAGVAN.  There is no fight between ARIHANT
and GURU. Realize PURITY and go there. CHURCH, TEMPLE
all are HIS doors only. Realizing power- SARVARUNA is
always with you. Why to be late? I have to go. Only
time is required to realize the SHAKTI of SARVARUNA.


Sunday, October 28, 2012


RADHAJI is one form of LALITAJI only. How this RADHA SAHASTRANAM was written? As SHRIKRISHNA expired, there was end of DWAPAR YUGA and start of KALIYUGA. BHAGVAN VYAS was sitting at the bank of JAMUNA River and was doing CHINTAN. But he was upset about KALIYUGA. He thought that what will be happening in KALI YUGA? So he left his penance in between and started wandering on the EARTH. First he reached to a little village which was familiar to him. He saw there some people were heavily drunk wine and fighting amongst them. When VYAS MOONI asked one of them the reason for fight, he came to know that actually for entertainment they have drunk wine so that those friends can enjoy more. But instead of their love increasing, some unknown thing came in their minds and they started abusing each other and fighting amongst them. VYAS MOONI was worried seeing this and he left that place. He was walking on the way while he found 3 women quarreling with each other because one of them wanted to marry a man. When VYAS asked them reason for quarreling, they told him that the man has put condition that he will marry that woman who will won out of quarrel from them. VYAS asked about know-how of that man. Those women pointed to a man, who was talking with forth woman. When VYAS went to him to clarify the matter, he was promising to that forth woman about marriage with him. Mean while VYAS was discussing with him, one woman who won the fight came there and started asking him to marry her. That man asked her to fight with that forth woman. That woman was tired by quarreling with other 2 women previously, so finally that forth woman won the fight. But during that time that man was cheating fifth woman. So VYAS was confused. Again he went to that man and enquired. That man replied him that he wanted to marry a strongest woman so he is doing those things and mean while he can enjoy with other woman too. Then he asked VYAS who he was and did he have any previous experience. VYAS told him that he was bachelor from 1600 years and no experience. So that man advised VYAS MOONI that he can marry any woman who was defeated. VYAS MOONI was scared to hear him and ran away from that place. He was worried very much that what was happening on the EARTH. Then he went to the bank of GANGA River, where he found that bank has become CREMETORIUM (SMASHAN). He was shocked too much and could not believe his eyes that just one day of KALIYUGA has started and what surprise he was finding. He never saw such CREMETORIUM at the bank of GANGA River previously. When he enquired about the matter he knew that when man is expired at the bank of River GANGA, he gains SWARGA easily. So he understood why that was started suddenly there. KALIYUGA was just started its first day and he found 100 people’s dead bodies there. VYAS MOONI enquired and he understood that due to eating some bad food they were dead. VYAS started enquiring in detail from 2 PANDAS that what were their symptoms and how they can be dead just by eating food. Actually some rich relatives of those 100 persons were coming to that place. So these PANDAS got annoyed and threatened VYAS MOONI that they will sent him to a prison of king if he ask any more details. VYAS was scared but he was curious to know actual truth. So he hided behind some trees. When those rich relatives came there , they cried and after some time they gave money to those 2 PANDAS and went away. While 2 PANDAS were counting the money they earned, 2 people suddenly came there. Those 2 PANDAS gave some money to those 2 men for mixing POISON in those 100 people’s food. They praise about their work and asked them to preserve that POISON carefully as very soon there was a fair going to be held where they wanted to use this poison for killing more men to earn more money. VYAS MOONI became very sad and he thought that just now hardly one day has started of KALIYUGA and what was happening on the EARTH. He was very much depressed and so he went to HIMALAYA to start practicing PENANCE (TAPASYA) again. He started chanting MANTRA “OM NAMO NARAYANA”. Previously he used to get DARSHAN of CHATURBHUJ BHAGVAN VISHNU after every 5 th day. But this time 6 th day passed away, 7th day, 8th day and so on 20 days passed away. But there was no DARSHAN. VYAS MOONI thought that there may be his mistake or effect of KALIYUGA. Thus 3 months were passed away. VYAS MOONI was very unhappy as he did not know if any mistake was done by him. That time NARAD MOONI arrived there and VYAS MOONI enquired to Him. NARAD MOONI replied that it is KALIYUGA’S effect and it was told that who ever wants to gain BHAGVAN VISHNU”D DARSHAN can only see HIM when he practices AARADHANA of HIS SHAKTI in spite of that man may be a common man or CHIRANJEEVI man like VYAS MOONI. So VYAS asked Him that which form of HIS SHAKTI he should worship- whether of RUKMINI , LALITA, KAMLA , whom he should worship? NARAD MOONI answered that this question has to be asked to MATA only. He doesn’t answer of that. So NARAD MOONI took VYAS MOONI to VAIKUNTHA. NARAD bowed to the feet of VISHNU BHAGVAN and LAXMI MATA. Then He asked VYAS MOONI to bow to the feet of BHAGVAN VISHNU. But VYAS MOONI told Him that he could not see any one there, .neither BHAGVAN VISHNU, or MATA LAXMI, or SHESHNAG. VYAS MOONI eyes were filled with water and he was very sad.. He started singing a STOTRA known as KOMUDAKI STOTRA which he constructed on a GADA (one weapon GADA which is also called KOMUDAKI) of VISHNU. He was pleading GAD thinking as MOTHER that what is use or benefit of becoming CHRANJEEVI if he can’t see his BHAGVAN. So he was asking GAD to come and hit his head so that he would be destroyed. He was continuously repeating this STOTRA so MATA LAXMI came to him and asked him to open his eyes. But VYAS MOONI refused HER saying that though he has recognized HER from HER voice he will not open his eyes. He willn’t open his eyes unless BHAGVAN comes there. MA Laughs at him. NARAD MOONI is VYAS’S GURU, so He advised him to open his eyes. He convinced him saying that he should no refuse MA”S saying. His eye light itself is MA KAMLA. His EYESIGHT is MA KAMLA and SHAKTI is LALITA.NARAD MOONI asked him to open his eyes without any fear. When VYAS MOONI opened his eyes he found only MA LAXMI. So he was unhappy. He said NARAD MOONI You are my GURU, I don’t want to blame You. But still why You have cheated me? I can’t see my beloved VISHNU here. So AM LAXMI told VYAS that he should call HIM then HE will surely answer. When VYAS MOONI called BHAGVAN VISHNU, he hears HIS voice replying him and calling him VATSA. Then he realizes that HIS voice is coming from MA LAXMI’S HEART. VYAS MOONI was confused that what that MAYAJAL (net of MAYA) was. That time NARADMOONI explained him that it was BHAGVAN VISHNU’S determination/decision that HE will always stay in MA KAMLA”S HEART so we should see HIM in LALITA, KAMLA. 

BAPU told that we have seen LAXMIJI always sitting in KAMAL (LOTUS). This LOTUS OF HEART (HRUDAY KAMAL) is for SEAT OF BHAGVAN. Till DWAPAR YUGA LALITA was sitting in BHAGVAN’S HEART but just before KALI YUGA BHAGVAN sat in LALITA”S HRUDAYKAMAL. VED VYAS has seen a picture of earlier days. So when MA LAXMI was standing in front of him, he did not bow to HER. So he asked NARAD MOONI that if BHAGVAN is sitting in MA’S HEART then how he can make HER PRATIMA (IMAGE). So NARAD MOONI told him that VATSA! AS BHAGVAN is sitting in LOTUS HEART of LAXMI, similarly LAXMI is sitting in LOTUS HEART of BHAGVAN. So VYAS asked can he see that. When NARAD MOONI assured him and he found same thing. He found that BHAGVAN is sitting in LOTUS HEART of LAXMI MA and MA LAXMI is sitting in LOTUS HEART of BHAGVAN. So again he asked can he again find MA LAXMI in heart of BAHGAVAN who is sitting in LAXMI MA’S HEART. So NARAD MOONI agreed. When VYAS MOONI found the same thing he went on looking inside and inside and he found VISHNU BHAGVAN in LAXMI MA’S HEART and LAXMI MA in HIS HEART and again so on. So he found indefinite BHAGVAN VISHNU and LAXMI MA sitting in each other’s HEART. That means that was indefinite thing. We can find hardly 1-2 images in mirror kept opposite to each other.  So looking so many BHAGVAN VISHNU and MA LAXMI in each other’s LOTUS HEART VYAS MOONI was so happy and ANANDI that he started dancing. He was so ANANDI that even he forgot to bow at KAMLA-LALITA and NARAYAN. NARAD MOONI asked him why he was so ANANDI. VYAS MOONI told Him that he never enjoyed this much ANAND. So NARAD MOONI explained him that means that to see LAXMI in VISHNU’S HEART and VISHNU in LALITA’S HEART is the greatest thing of this world. It is WORLD”S GREATEST PLEASURE (ANAND) to see THEM in each other’s heart. That time VYAS MOONI agreed that before that time he has practiced so many time PENANCE to gain the greatest ANAND of the WORLD, but he never enjoyed that much. So to see VISHNU in LAXMI’S HEART and LAXMI in VISHNU’S HEART is the GREATEST ANAND SWAROOPA of the WORLD. That is only their ANAND SWAROOPA. THEY (VISHNU and LAXMI) are not together with each other nor are THEY different from each other. But THEY are in HEART OF EACH OTHER and the same is ANAND SHAKTI. The same is SACCHIDANAND SHAKTI.

That time NARAD MOONI told him that have he understood why BHAGVAN has worried him for so long. BHAGVAN wanted to give him the BEST and GREATEST THING. THEY are not found at different places. But THEY LIVE in EACH OTHER’S HEART. KAMLA stays in MAHAVISHU’S HEART and MAHAVISHNU stays in KAMLA’S HEART. This is only RADHA BHAV. So it is said that RADHA SA BHAVROOPINI. BHARDWAJ MOONI has told that RADHA is PREMSWAROOPA. RADHA is ANADI ANANT STHITI of PARMATMA. (it is situation which doesn’t have beginning as well as it doesn’t have any end). So this KALIYUGA’S SAVIOUR POWER (TARAN SHAKTI) is RADHA. SHE is not SAVIOR of any one RELIGION. AARADHANA means BHAGVAN’S WORSHIP. AARADHANA’S POWER is RADHA. AARADHAN means RADHA. RADHA is not only WORSHIP of BAHGVAN but SHE is BHAGVAN’S SHAKTI. So this entire WORLD’S every SHAKTI, every UPASANA is called as RADHA. BHAGVAN is SACCHIDANAND and KAMLA is SACCHIDANANDA and THEIR INDIFFERENTNESS (ABHINNATVA) is RADHA BHAV. That’s why KRISHNA and RUKMINI are always together. RAM and SEETA are always together. So to be with each other is RADHA BHAV. Thus VYAS MOONI came on the EARTH with ANRADMOONI chanting RADHA, RADHA NAM. 

BAPU said one RAM NAM is equivalent to SAHASTRA NAM. We have seen in RAMRAKSHA “SAHASTRANAM TATULYAM RAM NAM VARANANE”, but For KALIYUGA one RADHA NAM is equivalent to SAHASTRA RAM NAM. BAPU said that see how VED VYAS was polite that he was telling himself as ADYANI. If we had been his place then after writing so many VEDA and PURANA we would have called our self as DYANI. There is no doubt that Questions could be asked to solve your DOUBTS. “TADVIDI PARIPATEN PARIPRRASHNEN SEVAYAM”

In RAM NAM , there are R+AA (BHANU BEEJ)+M BEEJ . RADHA is that who has AGNI BEEJ and SURYA BEEJ. RAM +AA who has both these BEEJAS is RADHA. SHE is more powerful. SHASTRARAMNAM TATULYAM RADHA NAM UCCHAYATE.(ONE RADHA NAM equals 1000 RAM NAM).But there is one condition that RADHA NAM won’t give you any thing if you are not chanting RAM NAM. We find VISHNU is SHARIRTATVA (BODY FORM) and RADHA is PRANTATVA some where and at some places RADHA is SHARIRTATVA and VISHNU is PRANTATVA. They don’t have existence without each other. If man wants to gain PUNYA of SAHSTRARAM NAM from RADHA NAM then that man has to chant at least once a RAM NAM. RADHA sits in RAM NAM and RAM sits in RADHA NAM. NARAD MOONI ordered VYAS MOONI that if he had realized the importance of RADHA NAM then he should construct RADHA SAHASTRANAM which was the first RELIGIOUS CONSTRUCTION which began in STARTING of KALIYUGA. This is the FIRST CONSTRUCTION made especially for KALIYUGA. RADHA is SACCHIDANANDA. BAPU said that so we are starting RADHA SAHASTRANAM.
KRISHNA BHAGVAN was not RADHA’S husband. HER husband was some one else. RADHA was not also fiancйe of KRISHNA BHAGVAN or there was no affair between BOTH OF THEM. In “HARIVANSHA” it is clearly written that RADHA was 23 years and KRISHNA was 4 years. This shows that there was a MOTHER and SON relation between THEM.  
RADHA and KRISHNA were INDIFFERENT (ABHINNA) from each other. BAPU explained this MAGNET concept. HE said that there are NORTH and SOUTH POLES in a MAGNET. When you divide that MAGNET into 2 pieces then it becomes NORTH POLE which was earlier SOUTH POLE in one MAGNET and in another MAGNET it become SOUTH POLE which was NORTH POLE earlier. Even if we make again 2 pieces from each of then we will get NORTH POLES and SOUTH POLES in every MAGNET. That means SOUTH POLE has no existence without NORTH POLE and NORTH POLE has no existence without SOUTH POLE. When both join together then only MAGNET is formed. But NORTH POLE and SOUTH POLE have different properties. We can consider BHAGVAN as NORTH POLE then RADHA is SOUTH POLE.

AAKRUSHATAYATI SA KRISHNAHA –KRISHNA. HE attracts all things. HE attracts all TATVAS. BAPU said when I say there is all capacity in NORTH POLE to become SOUTH POLE then there is also all capacity in SOUTH POLE to become MORTH POLE. When you break one MAGNET into 2 pieces you get 2 MAGNETS. So you can’t break BHAGVAN and RADHA differently. It is NEVER POSSIBLE. THEY are always together. THEY are not OPPOSITE to each other but THEY are COMPLIMENTARY to each other. RADHA has no existence without KRISHNA and KRISHNA has no existence without RADHA. RADHA is not other woman (PARNARI) for HIM but SHE is HIS one of form only. RADHAJI is like that only and hence THEY are called YUGAL SARKAR or JUGAL SARKAR. THEY both stay together and NO POWER can make THEM separate. THEY BOTH STAY IN EACH OTHER’S HEART. It is not possible that I will sit on any one’s HEAD and again he will sit on my HEAD. But KRISHNA and RADHA is one such RELATION where it is possible. It is essential for us to know that as per our RELIGION or PANTHA we may do WORSHIP or UPASANA of any BHAGVAN’S SWAROOPA but that should be done in RIGHT way. The pronunciation of MANTRA can be wrong also but that will not matter. But my BHAV should be PURE. At least during UPASANA my BHAV should be PURE (SHUDDHA). This PURE BHAV is RADHA SWAROOPA. BHAGVATI RADHA is SHUDDHA BHAV (PURE BAHV) only. If RADHA is SHUDDHA BHAV then VISHNU is MOOL BHAV (ORIGINAL BHAV). MOOL BHAV comes before SHUDDHA BHAV. In SHRIKRISHNA’S SITUATION it is immaterial where BHAV is SHUDDHA or ASHUDDHA. How day and night are formed? The NIGHT is present because of the DAY and vice versa. Similarly when SHUDDHA is present ASHUDDHA must be there. BHAGVAN SHRIKRISHNA is MOOL BHAV. When SHUDDHA BHAV was created i.e when RADHA is created there was a place left for ASHUDDHA BHAV, which is AVIDYA. From where does AVIDYA is created? From MOOL BHAV SHUDDHA BHAV is created and when there is AASAKTI then ASHUDDHA BHAV is produced. When with LOVE forcibility (AASAKTI) comes it becomes ASHUDDHA BHAV. That’s why CHRISTIAN people accept the concept of DEVIL. 

BAPU explained that KANSA is form of ASHUDDHA BHAV and that’s why he wanted to kill BAHGVAN KRISHNA. Our MIND’S BHAV is SHRIADVAITA STHITI, which NITYA STHITI. There is no DVAITA and ADVAITA. RADHAJI is SHUDDHA BHAV. 

BAPU again explained that see a 2 day’s infant can’t drink his mother’s milk. So that mother will dilute her milk and give him. But if still he can’t drink then she will use COW’S MILK on 3rd day. BAPU said cow never gives her calf diluted milk with water. But mother of a child in human being has to dilute the milk so that it becomes SHUDDHA. SHUDDHA doesn’t mean CLEAN but it is BEST with respect to all the qualities. For an INFANT actually COW’S MILK is CLEAN but not the BEST. For him his MOTHER”S MILK is the BEST. But same mother’s milk can’t become the BEST for her friend’s infant. Some antibodies are created in MOTHER”S MILK which are suitable only for that child and not to other child. The same difference is between MOOL BHAV and SHUDDHA BHAV. The same difference is between KRISHNA and RADHA. MOOL BHAV means MOTHER’S MILK which is the best for the child. KRISHNA is DIRECT TATVA (PRATYAKSHA TATVA) where MILK comes DIRECTLY from own MOTHER’S BREAST. RADHA is INDIRECT TATVA where MILK comes after doing PROCESSING, where it can be of COEW or POWDER MIX MILK. But we can’t make DIRECT CONTACT, so we have to accept APRATYAKSHA ROOPA. But this is also not DNAGEROUS. If we can’t get BAHGVAN’S MILK means DIRECT MOTHER’S MILK then we will at least get COW’S MILK which is the IMMEDIATELY BEST, even though it is diluted, it is easy for digestion. HUMAN can recognize RADHAJI. This is the MOL BHAV and SHUDDHA BHAV. Both BAHV are SHUDDHA only. But for man RADHA BHAV is easy and he can get MOOL BHAV after UPASANA. BAPU said if you feel this is also difficult to understand then HE will explain with easier example. HE said for taking a BATH, we want SOAP and WATER. WATER in BUCKET is SHUDDHA and SOAP is also SHUDDHA. But we can’t have BATH with only SOAP or only WATER. To clear off SOAP we require WATER. Here if RADHAJI is SOAP then BHAGVAN KRISHNA is WATER.BAPU said now HE Could see smiling faces of all devotees.
BAPU said but it is our FIRST DUTY (ETIKARTVYA) to become SHUDDHA. We couldn’t get POWER unless we become SHUDDHA. AS we become SHUDDHA we get more POWER. We see lion and dear. Lion has more power than dear. Dear has got FEAR and the greatest ASHUDDHATA is a caused by FEAR. LION is the bravest of all animals and has maximum SHUDDHATA. The MMOLSAMARTHYA (ORIGINAL POWER/STRENGTH) is SHUDDHATA and not the cleanliness. AS CLEAN SHUDDHA is more the health of DESTINY (PRARBDHA) is strong. BHAGVAN’S AARADHANA has to be made with SHUDDHA BHAV. This is the only way. Any ROOPA’S AARADHANA should be done in SHUDDHA BHAV. Unless there is SHUDDHA BHAV AARADHANA is not possible, it will become only RADHANA.BAPU told that we all do RADHANA and don’t do AARADHANA. In this KALIYUGA we don’t require PENANCE (TAPASYA). But we require HARIGUNASAMKIRTAN and NAMSAMKIRTANA. As our SHUDDHATA increases our FEAR decreases. That means our difficulties will be reduced. So in KALIYUGA UPASANA of this YUGAL SARKAR is essential. 

You may do UPASANA of GAUTAM and YASHODHARA or RAM and SEETA or KRISHNA and RADHA or SADGURU’S UPASANA. RAMNAM and RADHANAM are such NAMES which don’t have any VIDHINISHEDH (conditions of timings or place or any such barriers). RAMNAM and RADHA NAM are such NAMES that you can chant THEM even when you are doing wrong work. Man does bad work when there is effect of bad emotions or feelings and if you chant GURUNAM. When you chant RAM NAM, RADHA NAM or GURUNAM while ding a mistake then you can observe that bad feeling disappearing slowly from your mind. Suppose you are doing mistakes for 4 times and chant NAM during doing mistakes again and again then that feeling of committing SIN will be ended. That’s why it is said that when you see a GHOST, CHANT RAMNAM. CREMATORIUM (SAMSHAN) is supposed to be a place of all ghosts where the leader (NAYAK) of GHOSTS “SHIVA” leaves. So people enter their chanting RAMNAM. So people say RAM, RAM loudly as they don’t want to see big ghosts there. BAPU said even if you say SHIVA, SHIVA, the ghost will run away, but there is slight difference. It is essential that VIBRATIONS of SHIVA NAM should reach up to SUSHUMNA NADI which exists at the centre of SPINAL CHORD. This SUSHUMNA NADI is like SARSWATI RIVER which has disappeared after joining GANGA and JAMUMA RIVERS. To reach VIBRATIONS of NAM to SUSHUMNA NADI a lot of UPASANA is required. But you can chant RAM NAM and RADHA NAM any time and at any place by which EDA and PINGALA NADIS are run. So RAM NAM and RADHA NAM are TARIT NAM (SAVIOR NAMS) and can become our AARADHANA NAM.
BAPU again cleared that if your GURU’S NAM is SHIVA then it will be effective as GURU NAM. So SHIVA is considered as AADIGURU in every PANTHA. In every PANTHA, UPASANA of SHIVA is done in GURU SWAROOPA. So RAMNAM, RADHANAM and GURUNAM are TARANHAR NAM and we should meditate these NAMS.BAPU said you can chant any NAM. Suppose you want chant RAMNAM for 7 times, RADHA NAM for 7 times and GURUNAM for 7 times, it doesn’t matter. You can chant all 3 NAMS for 36 times each for 3 times and cook KHICHADI (MIXTURE of all NAMS) as you want. Even if you chant ONE NAM from bottom of your HEART it is equal to chanting TWO OTHER NAMS. GURUTATVA means RAMNAM AND RADHA NAM are together. There is no quarrel between any 2 NAM. GURUTATVA gives you same effect. All INDIAN DHARMAS have said that SADGURUTATVA is the greatest. Because here NORTH POLE is SADGURUTATVA and SOUTH POLE is also SADGURUTATVA. SADGURUTATVA is the ORIGINAL POWER (MOOL SHAKTI) of the WORLD.  We may say OM PRANAV, SATNAM, VAHE GURU, and ARIHANT. There is no quarrel amongst these 3 NAM i.e. RAM NAM, RADHA NAM and GURU NAM. If NORTH POLE is RAMNAM then SOUTH POLE is RADHA NAM. But we should take any NAM with LOVE. We will start chanting RADHA NAM lovingly from today which will give us more ANAND.
BAPU said there is specialty of RADHA NAM that it is sufficient as much we understood. As much one understands RADHA NAM that much is only sufficient for him. VISHNU NAM and RADHA NAM has specialty that THOSE NAM are one and SAME and THEY are not separate. But when you chant THEM separately THEY will give you whatever is essential and required for you. Here FLOW may be from NORTH POLE to SOUTH POLE or SOUTH POLE to NORTH POLE but current will not be started as every one has to take care of his own MAGNETIC CIRCUIT, Whatever may be RAM NAM or RADHA NAM or GURUNAM that is MY OWN PROPERTY. But suppose we chant RAM NAM for 6 months and then we think that it is not beneficial for me and then I start RADHA NAM then RAM and RADHA both will kick me out. You should have LOVE for THESE NAM in my MIND and I should chant with FULL TRUST on THEM. Today WORLD’S RAM, RADHA and SADGURUSHAKTI are available to us and to go away from THEM is useless. BAPU said HE has given a discourse 3 years before and after that on 3rd October HE gave one discourse. HE told that by 2007 year HINSA (VIOLENCE) will increase by LAKHS of times more than today. Suppose today VIOLENCE is 1 gram then it will increase by 10 times. If we want to withstand in those 18 years (from 2007 to 2025) then we can only withstand/ remain intact on SADGURUBHAKTI’S basis. BAPU said HE told us that we can save our lives with RADHA NAM and we can withstand in that period or time phase.
After that BAPU said first HE will chant RADHA MANTRA for 5 times and then we have to chant and join HIM as HE told us. The MANTRA chanted was
HARI OM             


In this world the fight between the power of LALITA and Bhandasur is going on and that army of LALITA has 15 KALA (Types). It is similar to the TITHI we called in a month. The NITYA SHAKTI indicates the power or SHAKTI of each KALA upto POORNIMA. LALITA is pleased and gets more encouraged to fight by observing each KALA'S (UTKAT) great VICTORY. Why we take only SHUKLA PAKSH KALA? It is because the same KALA are repeated in KRISHNA PAKSH also. These KALA are nothing but the army of LALITA.
Why we have to keep account of TIME (KAL)? 
We have to keep account of KAL because we are controlled by KAL. Which things account we keep normally? We keep account of our money and KAL (TIME). We heard sometimes people say in two hours they have spent their whole life. Similarly man keeps account of LOVE. Every person or any thing has its own feeling. Hence KALGANANA (counting of time) is essential for man. But it is not important for animals because only man can realize that he has to pass away (death) any day in his life. But he doesn't know when and at what time. So man must maintain a time schedule. One day and one night together make one whole day. Thus 7 days make one week, month and year. This counting of TIME was started with beginning of day and night. Man did not start it. This was created before man and he was created due to this KALGANANA. There is no planet where only day or only night is possible.
BAPU said He has heard discussions of college students regarding CHEMISTRY and BIOCHEMISTRY. But BAPU said their concept is wrong. They can't differentiate between them properly. CHEMISTRY means the reaction in between two matters. But in BIOCHEMISTRY, the BIOS are maintained between 2 chemicals till the soul exists in that body. After death of the body this BIOS is lost. BIOS are only maintained till body is live. BIOS means CHAITANYASHAKTI. Nothing is possible with only chemistry or weight of any body but CHAITANYASHAKTI should be present in it. Hence BIOS is very great SHAKTI. 
In KALGANANA presence of both day and night is essential. The night is present where day is present and vice versa. This means after day, night will come and after night day will come and this is called as KALKRAMANA. This states that KRAM means ORDER is created and maintained by KAL itself. But there is one point to be noted. Suppose in a college a new student comes in first year. Now he will be Junior to those who are studying in second or third year. These students in higher classes will be senior to him. But a student who has failed twice or thrice in a same examination and present in a college from 4-5 years can't be called as Senior. This shows us that ORDER or SENIORITY is not only decided by only counting of KAL (TIME). But SENIORITY also depends on QUALITY. The only one who makes progress along with TIME can be called as SENIOR. If one is not making progress along with TIME, he becomes JUNIOR (irrespective of his higher age). Our government gives SENIOR CITIZENSHIP to older persons. But think have you made any progress or just grown up by age only. Have any one thought whether he has made any progress after birth? Progress doesn't mean MONEY, HOUSE, BUNGALOW, CAR, or FLAT. No they don't mean PROGRESS although these are essential things for a common man. But irrespective of having all these things do I have any satisfaction, CHAITANYA or ANAND? Hence KALGANANA is done by QUALITY and not QUANTITY. One should think whether I have PEACE of MIND and ANAND in my life and if yes how much quantity do I have? BAPU said HE is sure that every one will say he has more ANAND and PEACE of MIND in his childhood then his present age. This states that every one has not done progress, but there was no success or degradation in his life. Actually ANAND and PEACE of MIND should increase in youth as compared to childhood and in old age it should be more than that of youth. This also shows that there was only progress in my body. My body has only grown up with passing years and SHANTI (PEACE OF MIND) and ANAND have not increased in my life. Hence only progress of body was done and I have not done any progress of myself. I have to take my MIND to the level of BUDDHI. By birth my body runs behind my MIND and MIND runs towards BODY which means finally I run towards my DEATH i.e. the death of my body. Thus I am going towards death or nonsuccess (ADHOGATI). The MIND is king of the body and he becomes successful who takes his mind in opposite direction of body and he becomes successful over TIME (KAL). But to achieve success shall we neglect our body? No, you shouldn't neglect your body. This means BUDDHI should control MIND and mind should control body. But MIND shouldn't control BUDDHI and body. But does it happen in my life? How to bring this change in my life? BAPU you have told that MIND should go in opposite direction of body but also tell us how to bring mind in opposite direction. 
BAPU explained thing with example. HE said there are some people in MUMBAI who stay near seashore. They see SUNRISE and SUNSET from sea. People who stay near mountain see SUNRISE or SUNSET from mountain. I get knowledge of direction from the place where I live. The person who has never seen sea can't imagine or realize how big is the sea, although we tell him SEA is very big. When a man goes at the center of sea, he can realize its vast nature. Here man uses theory of relativity. I can measure land with respect to the land where I live. We observe that the man affected by JAUNDICE complains that all things seem to be yellow in color, which is not written any science. I think according to my situation. But remember innocent man can't say another man is 420 and only he is innocent. Innocent man can't recognize whether another man is 420 or not. The one who predicts another man is 420 is the most 420 man. He can't be innocent, because due to his innocence he shouldn't recognize the exact quality of other man. ADHYATMA never asks to sink in water by becoming foolish. I see my behavior with my angle (point of view). I should see person in front of me and myself with same angle.
See, if audience don't have interest in listening CLASSICAL MUSIC, then however best singer sings a song they can't enjoy as they can't understand or realize that song. The song or music is used to entertain people or to create joy. That doesn't mean use cabre dance to entertain people. One should see what person in front of him wants or what are his views. But actually I even don't understand myself. I never realize day and night. Neither I understand from what period I am passing through. I never understand when I am passing from happy moments of my life and also in sorrow period of my life. In worries and sorrows I look with negative point of view. That time my life doesn't make progress with respect to time (KAL). But I have to go forward. It depends on me whether I will go forward or backward depending on my movement is with KAL or not with respect to KAL.
While travelling in a train one has to keep (off-board) his luggage in train beside him. But he has to be careful and cautious for his luggage. Similarly I can become successful only when I will make observation of the TIME (KAL) through which I am passing. The same thing is told in this LALITA'S NAM. This LALITA observes how we are making use of day and night. The SHAKTI of day and night means KALA. I should make PARAKRAM every day and night as LALITA becomes happy by observing my PARAKRAM for every KALA. LALITA always observes this PARAKRAM. There is SHAKTI to sleep during the night and to awake during the day.
BAPU said all are mad because they sleep the whole day and they wake up all the night. They are not conscious. We are never attentive or cautious about the work we do. We always sleep during the work we do. We see television for 4-5 hours. What is use of it to me? This suggests that my mind is not under my control. But it is under control of television or a machine. Nowadays people watch t.v. during lunch/dinner. What they see during that time either accident/rape/race etc. See acid secretion in stomach is according to your feeling that time what you are watching on t.v. No body wants to talk with each other during lunchtime. Neither mother nor father has communication with their children. We eat our food like strangers similar to the way many people are crowded together and having food in a hall of hotel. For entertainment purpose watching t.v. is o.k. for one hour. It is o.k. for those who are handicapped or helpless to do any thing without any one's help. We read FILMFARE magazine to enjoy affairs of filmstars. See we should watch them as actor and there is no need in interfering their personal life. Women spend their time in doing gossips in building. This is what is called as having sleep during the day. I think about those things, which are not having any concern to my life. We see dreams during nights i.e. we are awake in night. Our BUDDHI doesn't get sound sleep during night, it is in half conscious and half sleeping state. Thus by real means we are sleeping during the day and we are awaken during the night. If we learn to remain awake in the day and sleep in the night then we will be doing real PARAKRAM or KALA. I have to do progress every day and night, not only by AADHYATMIK way, but also by MIND and BUDDHI.
Even man can do his HEALTH CARE at age of 70. See same type of success LALITA wants to observe in life of HER children. But children don't want to achieve this success.
DREAMS = Unsatisfied desires/wishes/thoughts which indicate thoughts of unconscious mind because I sleep during the day and awake during the night. Sometimes some people couldn't understand what is happening just during some moments when they get up from sleep.
In previous days only sick, aged, old people and pregnant women used to sleep during afternoon. Children of 2-3 years can sleep in afternoon. But nowadays scene is different. When Sunday comes, people think they have their own rights. They can sleep for as many hours as they like. People think that holiday is for taking rest. But holidays are meant for REFUELLING. When I take vehicle for long drive, after some hours (or 100 miles) I check fuel and if shortage I get it refueled. Similarly we should put fuel for mistakes which we have done in last week, so as to avoid same mistakes in next week. We should recall what things/jobs/works we can't finish during last week and plan accordingly for next week. We should see what health care we can take for ourselves as well as for our family. Husband and wife should think what way they can help each other and their children. In school children lot of curiosity is there, so parents should try to answer their queries. They can show them good book collection from book centers. Mother and father both should take efforts to give better SANSKAR (thoughts for making life successful) to their children.
REST means AARAM. On holidays we should call this RAM in our life. ABHIRAM = ANAND. We should invite this ANAND to our life. If every one tries to do AARAM by real means there will be no HARAM because real AARAM means ABHIRAM, ANAND, ARIHANT.
LALITA wants same thing to happen in every one's life. My every day's life is battle for me. Every day I should learn to fight against my past. But there is hardship in doing this and hence no body wants to do that. But the one who tries to do this practice knows what pleasance lies in that. LALITAJI'S SENA (ARMY) knows what happiness lies in practicing these things in every day's life. We should forget what mistakes we had done in past. But at the same time we should try to give best things to our mind, BUDDHI and ourselves. I should give best things to my mother, father, children, family, nation and myself too. This is the real fuel for next week and if I try to give this every week then there will be no shortage of fuel/petrol to my life.
LALITA is SAMUTSUK. This means the way SHE pleases and satisfies, by same way SHE wants to please HER BHAKT (devotee) by creating SATISFACTION in that devotee's life who is ever ready to do ATYANTIK PARAKRAM in every day's KALA and battle. Thus if LALITA is pleased, SHE will bring happiness to my life.
BAPU is always there with those who are doing these efforts. This has never happened and will never happen that you have called BAPU and BAPU has not come for your help. BAPU remains steady till the moment your efforts don't prick/pinch HIS heart. The one who makes efforts with STRONG TRUST (DRUDH VISHWAS) in HIM, this ANIRUDDHA is always with him. HE is always there besides him, in front of him and at the back of him, at the right side and at the left side of him. That moment HE comes and stands in front of you and that is MY (BAPU'S) PROMISE. But for that you should make your day and night as KALA.



I bow to the feet of that LALITA, who stays in a house made up of CHINTAMANI. CHINTAMANI is such a strange MANI that fulfills the wish (KAMANA) coming to my mind, when I hold it in my hands. This MANI makes HER house
Why SHE started living in such type of house?
SHE isn’t fond of treasures (VAIBHAV). But SHE is fond of only BHAKTI (DEVOTION).
But this CHINTAMANI satisfies every wish that we ask to it, irrespective of good or bad. We always think that why the plans didn’t become successful made by us .The plans fail because there is one more thing apart from the efforts I take for its completion, which is not in my hands. I don’t have any right on FRUIT (RESULT) of KARMA.I should do good KARMA and BHAGVAN will give me UCHIT FRUIT for that. When HE thinks the fruit is not UCHIT for any of my KARMA, HE won’t give me that. 
Who has used CHINTAMANI for the first time?
                Once BHRUGU RISHI had made TAPSCHARYA.  After many years BHAGVAN VISHNU gave him DARSHAN (VISION). HE asked that he should never make any mistake or fault. BHAGVAN VISHNU gave him blessings and promised to fulfill his saying. HE asked him to ask for another thing. BHRGU RISHI asked HIM that no one should be like him. VISHNU said TATHASTU (the blessing that same thing will happen what he wanted).
          Afterwards BHRUGU RISHI never made any mistake. But he became proud that no one is like him. Once he went to VINDHYA PARVAT and he taught DHYAN to people over there. Suddenly one child became DHYANI after 12 years. He asked BHRUGU RISHI to tell him how many faults he has done so that he can repent for them. BHRUGU RISHI thought only he had blessing that he would never make mistakes and if tells the truth to child that will not be good for him.
          Then BHRUGU RISHI went to VIDYAPEETH. When NARAD MOONI arrived there, he asked hi what he could do for that. NARAD explained him to wake up and realize that he was doing nothing. HE was only for the reason. BHRUGU RISHI realized his fault. He agreed that he should have asked that no one on earth would make mistakes. NARAD advised him to do TAPASCHARYA again and to ask to return his words. NARAD advised him to ask with BHAKTI and not with TAPSYA.
          There was BHRUGU RISHI’S symbol of foot already present on VISHNU’S chest, which was symbol of BHAKTI and same is LALITA. H e should do TAPASCHARYAfor KAMALA. H e should not do TAPSCHARYA with any MANTRA. HE should feel as if Mother is lifting him on her shoulders, she is feeding him. BHRUGU RISHI followed the same way and he behaved in same manner as a child will behave to his mother. After 3 days LALITA went to BHRUGU RISHI and explained him that whatever words VISHNU speaks are for well being of others. So he should combine his two different promises together. SHE asked him to say no faults should be present in him and no one should be like him. See, how MA (mother) has combined two different things.
          BHRUGU RISHI went to VISHNU. But before he could utter any word, HE blessed him TATHASTU. LALITA asked VISHNU how HE blessed him? HE never takes any thing back once HE offers that. VISHNU replied that HE never gives any thing to any one. No one gives any thing to other. HE only purifies the GUNA (qualities). But purifying action is done by LALITA and SHE is SHUDH MAYA. VISHNU told BHRURISHI if HE could give HIM a tear of repenting HIS blessing would become successful. BHRUGU tried a lot to offer that tear, but he could not get any tear. He went to LALITA and pleaded HER that he was unable to offer that tear to VISHNU. LALITA replied that he had that feeling of MA (MOTHER) for LALITA only for those 3 days. But when SHE gave him DARSHAN, that BHAV OF MAMATVA (MOTHERLY LOVE) was lost. Hearing HER words, tear rolled out from BHRUGU RISHI’S eyes. LALITA immediately took that tear in HER hands and that turned to CHINTAMANI.
           BAPU told remember that the tear, which comes due to repenting for the bad deeds we have done, turns into CHINTAMANI. 
This is CHINTAMANI, which reminds not to do mistake.  That is why till that CHINTAMANI remains in LALITA”S hands of BHAKTI, it gives good GUNA. But when it comes to my hands the opposite thing happens.  This LALITA stays in house of CHINTAMANI. If I want to avail this CHINTAMANI, I should wish to get HER blessing (grace) first. But for that I should have MOTHERLY FEELING for HER.I should learn to do BHAKTI with complete LOVE for HIM (PARMESHWAR). I should not do BHAKTI only for want of any thing. I should LOVE HIM and HER from bottom of my HEART. When tears will come due to separation from HIM, the same will be converted to CHINTAMANI and this I will get CHINTAMANI. Before having wished to get this CHINTAMANI, one should wish to get LALITA, who stays in that house. One should do HER BHAKTI.



    This is very different NAME. PADMA means LOTUS and MAHAPADMA means MAHALOTUS. In every man’s body there is a BRAHMARANDHRA, which is a door. There are total 9 doors in a human body. Hence it is called as PURI of 9 doors. Man can open the other RANDHRAS (doors) of human body, but irrespective of being open he can’t use BRAHMARANDHRA. The whole universe is made up of BRAHMA. All living beings, non-living things and water are fractions of BRAHMA. LALITA is present in BRAHMARANDHRA. It is such a door that it can be opened as well as closed also.
          But BAPU, we have heard that LALITA is sleeping in form of KUNDALINI, (JAGDAMBA SWARUPA) in MULADHAR CHAKRA and when SHE wakes up, SHE goes and meets SADGURUTATVA present in SAHASTRAR CHAKRA. BRAHMARANDHRA is above the SAHASTRAR CHAKRA. Now one may say SHE is goddess, so SHE can be present at two places. But without understanding any thing properly, just neglecting the fact on the basis that BHAGVAN can be present at two places is wrong thing.
LALITA is sitting in form of KUNDALINI by making 3 and ½ circles. When a devotee succeeds in awaking all 108 centers of his body , SHE wakes up from MULADHAR CHAKRA and travels towards SWADHISHTHAN CHAKRA and then progresses to AAGHYA CHKARA. The devotee who only wants to LOVE HER stops his MOTHER (LALITA) there. He wants to do BHAKTI and LOVE to his BHAGVAN / BHAGVATI and wants ADVAITA (duality – separation between devotee and his BHAGVAN). He knows if LALITA goes in upper direction, SHE will meet PARAMSHIVA and after their MILAN, there is MOKSHAPRAPTI (salvation) or DVAITA (unity with BHAGVAN to such extent that there is no separation between HIM and devotee) is only possible, which he never wants.        
How is it possible that LALITA, who is present in BRAHMARANDHRA is also sleeping in MULADHAR CHAKRA?
          LALITA is present in two forms in every man irrespective of he is PAPI/ PUNYAVAN, rich/poor. Then does SHE look alike at both places?  
BAPU explained this situation with an example. HE said you study for examination. After that you close the textbook and ask questions to your self (to check whether you have studied correctly or not) and answers yourself to you. Here, when you ask question you are GURU (teacher) and when you answer, you are student. This means you are playing 2 roles of GURU and student. You will get answer to a question when there is question. Even in first role when you were learning, you were teaching to you only. When I teach drawing/ engineering drawing/ any thing to me, means there is presence of GURU in me too. While I am learning I am a student and I am a GURU (teacher) too. Now you will understand how LALITA’S 2 forms are present, in the same manner the 2 forms of GURU and student are present in me.
          Which role is first? Whether chicken is first or egg is first? This is not that type of thing. Who is first GURU or student?  Both are first. There is LIGHT, because of presence of DARKNESS. There is NIGHT and hence DAY is present. The existence of both is proved simultaneously. GURU is student’s GURU as student is his student.
          LALITA is sleeping in MULADHAR CHAKRA for a common man, is the same who is JAGRUT in BRAHMARANDHRA. When KUNDALINI wakes up in MULADHAR CHAKRA, LALITA goes and unites SADGURUTATVA in SAHASTRAR CHAKRA. This EKRUPA AVASTHA (same state) is JAGRUT LALITA in BRAHMARANDHRA, who has united (EKRUPA) with SADGURUTATVA. SHE is not at all separate or different from PARMATMA.
          The one who is separate from PARMATMA is sleeping and when SHE is not separate from HER beloved husband, SHE is JAGRUT (awaking). Thus the biggest SHAKTI is EKRUPA with PARMATMA when SHE is JAGRUT. But remember one thing that SHE functions even if SHE is sleeping. We never care to see how we utilize the power of our body. We have been given SHAKTI for thinking how we can utilize our power to do our KARMA, which is called KARMASWANTRATYA (independence to do our KARMA as per our wish). This independence of KARMA is offered to us as LALITA is sleeping. But irrespective of KARMASWANTRYA offered to me, I don’t know how to utilize it.
          See, a man has gun, but he doesn’t know how to use that, then there is no use of that gun for him. Similarly we behave badly or rudely with our parents (aged mother-father), by using KARMASWANTRATYA and without thinking its effects. Our VIVEK BUDDHI (consciousness of BUDDHI which tells me what is wrong and what is correct) is sleeping, because LALITA is sleeping. When I do wrong works, KARYA, SHE is sleeping that time. LALITA sleeps till the time my VIVEK BUDDHI is not made JAGRUT. Hence I don’t know how to utilize correctly power offered to me.
What does LALITA do when SHE is JAGRUT in BRAHMARANDHRA?     
          Irrespective of the man is sleeping or awaken, LALITA has only one work to join every JEEVATMA with PARMATMA, when SHE exists in BRAHMARANDHRA. Hence SHE is also called as SETUBANDHDWAR. SHE builds a bridge (SETU). When devotee looks at his BHAGVAN with love and BHAKTI, he tries to realize HIM , then LALITA existing in BRAHMARANDHRA attracts KUNDALINI present in MULADHAR CHAKRA. See, here SHE is attracting HER OWN FORM only.
           When we listen a song in early morning, we keep on murmuring same song for the whole day. If we want to put an alarm for morning we set it at night on either telephone or in watch. This means we have to make preparation in the night for waking up at early morning. When I wake up at morning, I must chant RAMNAM, GOVINDNAM or SATNAM means HIS NAM at first. If we want to learn TAMIL Language we must do study. In Sanskrit, ABHYAS (study) is called as PRAYAS, which means PRACTISE. If we keep on speaking in our mother tongue for the whole day, then we can’t pass in examination. Similarly to chant RAMNAM early in the morning when we wake up, we must chant RAMNAM before we sleep at night. See, you can’t catch the moment when you sleep. But we can easily catch the moments when we are waking. But when we sleep, our KUNDALINI sleeps but LALITA in BRAHMARANDHRA is JAGRUT only. It is very difficult to awake sleeping KUNDALINI and easy to achieve JAGRUT LALITA. But same LALITA wakes up bad dreams. But by doing this SHE wants to make us scared so that SHE can again remove that fear from our mind and make us JAGRUT like HER (who is always JAGRUT). Thus to achieve LALITA’S   grace is easy. There are 4 ways (MARG) to achieve LALITA’S grace.
1.     KRIYASHEELATA – To become active or functional at the same moment when I wake up. KRIYASHEEL means to start KARMA immediately, the moment you wake up and that is very essential. That doesn’t mean to start eating or drinking the moment you wake up. Having BED TEA is not KRIYASHEELATA. The Best KRIYASHEELATA is that I should chant my ESHTA BHAGVAN’S NAM. I should see HIS IDOL or PICTURE (PHOTO). So automatically my eyes, hands will be involved in LOVE of PARMESHWAR (BHAGVAN). I should offer my first moment of every LIFE, every day to HIM, HIS NAM. According to BHARTIYA DHARMA (religion) every night is death (PRALAY) of man’s life, which is sleep for us. So every day becomes new life for me and I should learn to offer the very first moment of my new life to HIM only. Hence it is called as KRIYASHEELATA PATH.    
2.     VIHANG PATH – VIHANG means bird. VIHANGAM is the area from where bird sees. This is the area to little upper level than the normal area where I stay. VIHANGAM area is beautiful because I raise my self to upper limit and observe the view. Those who travel in aeroplane are aware of this concept. The views, which are not beautiful from lower area, may found to be beautiful at upper level.
See, a common example that if a tiger is standing in front of you, you may not even dare to see at him. First you will run away to save your own life. But when you are at height above him, you can see his beauty, his golden yellow color and his stripes.
          Similarly getting up from your normal level every day is called progress. Yesterday I have prayed, chanted HIS NAM for 10 minutes, today I will do for 11 Minutes HIS JAP and this is only VIHANGAM. Progress means you should rise up from state of MIND, DHAYN, BUDDHI, SEVA (serving). You should rise from every state of life. Think about whether you have tried any time today to raise yourself at upper level as compared to yesterday’s level.This NAM teaches to become LAYBADDHA. LAM BEEJ means PRUTHVI BEEJ – LAM ETI VAYU BEEJ. It is journey of PRUTVI TATVA to VAYU TATVA.  So sometimes DEATH is also called as LAM journey. LAY means journey of GHAN RUPA (SOLID FORM) to VAYU RUPA,but by mistake we refer LAY as death. Every day man should learn to make progress towards good things and not bad things.
3.     KRUTYA PATH – We think KRUTYA means demo ness who will eat us the moment
     she comes in front of us. We may ask BAPU why are you scaring us? BAPU said look 
     at the word with other meaning. The one who can do any thing is KRUT = KRUTYA. The same reference is used and KRUTYA is said to be the one who can do any worst action. I don’t know whether that created will be good or bad , but I will do – This is RAKSHASI (demo ness) nature. When we do any KARYA without knowing its effects or without thinking that becomes KRUTYA PATH. Not to follow this PATH is called as APATHGAMITVA.AGAMITVA means not to follow KRUTYA PATH, which means we should not do any KRIYA without thinking or understanding that. This is opposite name used to tell us why we are doing KARYA without knowing or thinking. So to prevent us from doing KARYA without thinking and understanding, RISHIS have named it in reverse way. We smoke, eat bad things and drink wines, without thinking.
What do it mean to do KARYA with thinking and knowing ? 
          There is a big difference between the thought automatically developed in my mind and the thought I create. First thought is MIND’S development, while second is BUDDHI’S creation. Suppose a man wants to eat MALPOOA (sweet dish), BUDDHI reminds me doctor’s advice of not to eat sweet. But MIND wants to neglect it and eat that. Thinking is KARYA of MIND while understanding or knowing is KARYA of BUDDHI. Thus not to follow KRUTYA PATH means to accept APATHGAMITVA.I can’t force my MIND’S thought on BUDDHI. If I want to go to LALITA then I have to follow only KRUTYA APATHGAMITVA.
4.     GOU KA PATHCOW’S PATH – This is very beautiful PATH. In INDIA, all religions consider cow as HOLY (PURE).Even cow dung and urine of cow is holy. But cow’s mouth is not holy. Cow’s MILK is SATVAGUNI, DUNG is RAJOGUNI+TAMOGUNI and urine is RAJOGUNI (gives antiseptic effect). But meat of cow is TAMOGUNI only and hence it should be avoided. But we find the sacred water used for ordination (ABHISHEKA) of BHAGVAN comes through GOMUKHI. This is used because the mouth of cow accepts not holy things but gives only holy things out. In SANSKRIT, COW means SUNLIGHT. SHE changes my APAVITRATA (IMPUTIRY) to PAVITRATA (PURITY). That means darkness is converted to light like SUN. Similarly cow eats bad things and gives me pure MILK, which is the best food.
I should use my 6 enemies (6 RIPU = KAM, KRODHA, MAD, MOH, MATSAR, LOBH) to bring purity. We may think how they can bring PURITY. But I have made them my enemies. If KAM, KRODH are gifts of BHAGVAN, they can’t be bad. It depends on me how I use them as my friends or enemies. KAM is not SEX. It is ESHANA. KAMDEO has created KAM and not BHANDASUR. If I use KAM for doing good work I use KAMDEO. I should all things to create good things. BHAGVAN has given me KRODH so that I can become angry with LOBH, laziness, ANEETI. It is possible that I can’t fight against 10-12 people, but I can phone to Police and call them at least to such places where ANEETI is going on. Isn’t that my responsibility?
     In MUMBAI, one girl was burnet and no one helped her. Was there no witness present on the incident? I should fight against bad things and should oppose them. Thus BHAGVAN has given me KRODH to oppose bad things.
     KAM is given to create new world (SRUSHTI) and not to rape woman. VYABHICHAR means opposite of ABHICHAR. BHAGVAN never supports any type of bad or evil actions or KAM. HE has given me KAM, KRODH to use for good things.
Why HE has given LOBH (GREEDINESS)?
     LOBH means MOH (desire) to obtain any thing. The biggest LOBH is to achieve BHAGVAN. Mother’s MOH to make her child good is also called as LOBH, which is also big LOBH.  At time of King SHIVAJI, there was a woman HEERABAI of 32 years old who had crossed the difficult BURUJ difficult portion of a fort to cross) in 20 Minutes only to feed milk to her child at night. Even trekkers group takes more than half an hour till today for same BURUJ to cross, which was named as HIRAKANI’S BURUJ. See, here one mother had crossed the BURUJ safely due to her real LOBH, KAM for her child, which is even impossible for young people. This type of LOBH gives me good things only.
      I make them my enemies and call as SHADRIPU. They will become my friends when I will follow GOPATH. But man never follows GOPATH, because those who walk on this GOPATH become SAINT. Try to learn to walk on GOPATH. Even if you step in one foot you will become SAINT.SAINT means the fraction of SAT (HE). How many births I will take? I will come and go (DIE), then why I should not become SAINT? TULSIDAS, RAMDAS, NAMDEO HAS NEVER ASKED MOKSHA (SALVATION). They asked HIM to give as many births HE wants to give provided HE could give HIS LOVE to them. I should know that at least one day will come when there will be no sorrow and worries, so I should stop singing song for unhappiness, sorrows. HE has given 6 SHAKTI (not 6 RIPU or 6 enemies) to walk on GOPATH, which are not sleeping. These are awaken, so that I can get HIS SHAKTI, when I will follow these 4 PATH S (ways) and when I will get HIS SHAKTI, there will be not only a single moment of sorrow or worry but also a fraction left over in my life
 Note: This article was posted in the earlier sadgurubapu group by Sunneta Karande, have just reposted it her