Note: This article was posted in the earlier sadgurubapu group by Sunneta Karande, have just reposted it here
Thursday 28-06-2001 SECOND DISCOURSE
OM NAKHADIDHISACHANMANJAN TAMOGUNAYAIY NAMAHA Every one knows story of Pralhad – Narsimha. LALITA- is that power of GOD (HIM) with which HE killed (MANJAN )evil power (TAMOGUN) by just NAILS. HIRANYAKASHYAPU has done a great TAPASCHARYA and asked BRAHMA to give him blessing of AMARATVA (never die- no death by any means). BRAHMA refused for AMARATAVA but asked him to ask for death for his choice. So he got blessing from BRAHMA to have death not in day not in night. Not by man, ASUR, GOD, animal Not inside house nor outside house. Not on earth, not in water. Then he thought he has conquered death. But the fact was not that. He was very happy and started creating nuisance to all. His wife was KAYAGU – the type of ASTRA which when hurts on body no wound is found, no blood will come out, but effect will be realized. KAYAGU MEANS DEVOTION, BHAKTI. She was mother of PRALHAD. DEVOTION IS THAT TYPE OF ASTRA WHICH HURTS YOUR HEART BUT ANAND(JOY) IS CREATED. Hiranyakashyapu treated his son Pralhad very cruelly. He asked Pralhad not to chant VISHNU’s name. But Pralhad was firm at his NAMSMARAN. He never listen his father’s orders in this respect. So Hiranyakashyapu asked his soldiers to kill Pralhad at feet of elephant, to put him in boiling oil pan, to put him in fire directly. But Pralhad’s firm trust on VISHNU saved him every time. So Hiranyakashyapu was very angry. He wanted to kill him some how. So one day in his darbar he asked Pralhad to show him VISHNU. Where is VISHNU? Mata LAKSHMI was very upset to see all this drama and she asked VISHNU why HE is not helping PRALHAD. VISHNU told HER that HE is expecting the answer from Pralhad that HE is present everywhere and for him HE can come from any place. So when Pralhad replied same words to his father Hiranyakashyapu that his VISHNU is every where. Hiranyakashyapu asked him whether HE is present in a wooden pillar which was in front of him. Pralhad told HE is present in that pillar. Hiranyakashyapu was under wrong impression that He is AJEY( no one can gain victory over him) and he can kill VISHNU easily. So he asked Pralhad to call HIM to save his life. Suddenly that pillar broke into 2 pieces and NARSIMHA AVATAR of MAHAVISHNU was there. HE was not man not animal. Half of body was of SIMH (lion) and half of body was of man. HE took Hiranyakashyapu on HIS lap (NOT ON EARTH NOT IN WATER) and killed with HIS NAILS. So NO ASTRA, NO SHASTRA, NO MANTRA WAS USED. THAT TIME WAS SUNSET SO NOT DAY NOT NIGHT. HE sat on the border of door (UMBARATHA) so not in house and not out side house. Thus ALL his wishes about death which he has asked in blessing were completed and he got death. This power to kill such a strong ASUR with simply NAILS was not easy task. This power to cut into pieces a huge man’s body was of LALITA. Due to MOH, KRODH the AHANKAR(pride) created is called as TAMASI AHANKAR. Hiranyakashyapu was filled completely with that Tamasi Ahankar. His wife was KAYAGU which is pure devotion. GOD always make marriage between AHANKAR with DEVOTION. AHANKAR- AHAM – means me . I am conscious about myself always. BAPU told because of AHANKAR only devotion is possible. PRALHAD is their son. SADHU – one who has given away his pride or AHANKAR and 6 RIPU are far away from him. But in common man AHAM is present. I always make relationship as mother , father, wife , husband , son ,daughter due to my need. And due to this AHAM only I keep my first feet on way of DEVOTION. When I start DEVOTION? When need is there. Beginning of devotion is with need of satisfying AHAM. AHANKAR is RAKSHAS (ASUR) and KAYAGU is DEVOTION who walks on DEVYAN path. PRALHAD means PRA+ALHAD. ALHAD is ANAND created from HIM(GOD).PRALHAD means ALHAD which is created continuously from HIM.AHANKAR(Hiranyakashyapu) + DEVOTION (KAYAGU) --- Marriage = SON (PRALHAD). BAPU told one experience. HE told once a devotee asked to solve his problem. So BAPU asked to recite HANUMAN CHALISA for one year. That devotee started reciting HANUMAN CHALISA daily. After 12 days when his problem was solved he came to BAPU asking now onwards if he will not read , will it be o.k.? BAPU said what to answer to such person. You call HIM when need is there , but the moment that need is over you don’t want to remember HIM at all, till further another need doesn’t come to you. In SANSKRUT language, AHAM means which is not HAM. HAM BEEJ is HANUMANT BEEJ who was great devotee of RAM , who situated RAM , SITA in HIS heart. AHAMKAR is not related with GOD (HIM). I t is separate. God purposely makes marriage between AHAMKAR and DEVOTION. Hiranyakashyapu made TAPASCHARYA for many years. So BRAHMA thought he should go on similar good path through out life. So HE asked NARAD – BHAKTI PEETH FIRST ACHARYA to create one daughter. NARAD MOONI created one daughter from His BHAV of devotion who is KAYAGU. I remember HIM in my difficulty , need and when need is no longer there I forget HIM immediately. I think I have asked HIM for help , but HE has not done any thing for me. I have done work myself. This is AHAM which takes you on DURGATI PATH (bad situation way)in difficulty. When difficulty is not there I have opportunity to kill Hiranyakashyapu (AHAMKAR).But I never do that neither I call HIM.I never remember HIM not in day not in night , not in joy not in sorrow. Opportunity is there when you can change AHAMKAR into HAMKAR. For this no need to leave house and go to forest .I can do that when I am living all my routine life. I wake up in sorrows or needs. I should call HARI with help of PRALHAD which is joy created continuously from DEVOTION. I should see my life of 30-40 years( whatever you have spent) and try to recollect HIS helping HAND. For many times HE has saved me irrespective of my weakness , poverty in devotion. PRALHAD comes to me in present tense only. I should forget about PAST sorrows or future dreams. That was HIS power due to which I am present in present tense irrespective of all difficulties. It is my fortune that I have not taken birth at beggar’s house or house of prostitute. I am not handicapped person. I am not so poor. I call HIM only in difficulty though HE is not at all responsible for them. LALITA is power to convert Hiranyakashyapu in HANUMAN. HIRANYA means GOLD. – one who runs behind glitter of gold of any thing. Hiranyakashyapu – who breaks HAMKAR, while HANUMAN who joins you with HAMKAR – GOD.I should know whom I want to place in my life either Hiranyakashyapu or HANUMAN. Hiranyakashyapu got very strange and horrible death from HIM , no one would prefer this type of death from HIS hands. To convert HIS power as HANUMAN instead of Hiranyakashyapu – source is LALITA. To remove A kar from AHAMKAR power is available from LALITA who opposes A – KAR. HIS first LEELA , SMRUTI ( to REMEMBER)is LALITA. HIS SUMIRAN – HIS REMEMBERANCE will remove A – KAR from AHAMKAR. When A KAR is removed from AHAMKAR HAMKAR is balance which is power of HANUMAN. In our body there is PARASYMPATHATIC system (P-S) and Sympathetic system(S-S) where SPINAL CHORD is situated. One gives messages to brain from all parts of body while other gives messages from brain to other parts of body. These both systems are controlled by HYPOTHALAMUS – a part of BRAIN, which also controls HARMONS and feelings or emotions. P-S + S-S + Hypothalamus together makes AHAMKAR - Hiranyakashyapu . In YOGA, 2 NASIKA – 2 NADI are there which are called as IDA and PINGALA. The air never passes through them in equal quantity. Alternately this is changed and reversed. There is 3rd NADI which is not visible is known as SUSHUMNA NADI which is situated in spinal chord , through which HANUMAN as MAHAPRAN form travels. In SANGAM of 3 rivers GANGA, JAMUNA and SARSWATI are present. GANGA AND JAMUNA can be located easily but SARASWATI is invisible. Similarly, SUSHUMNA is invisible form. NARSINHA avatar – mouth is of Lion , but it is same RAM, SHIVA and VISHNU. When IDA and PINGALA becomes equal MAHPRAN controls HYPOTHALAMUS. But MHAPRAN is actually activated by KUNDALINI – MAHAPRAGHNYA means LALITA. So finally LALITA in form of KUNDALINI is controller of P-S and S-S and Hypothalamus.The one who is KAMALA , same is LALITA. In my life I never make relationship with KAYAGU as mother , nor I try to become PRALHAD, I only relate Hiranyakashyapu as father. AHAMKAR is must in life but it should not be TAMOGUNI which gives trouble to others. Think why in NAILS power has come which can kill Hiranyakashyapu. Because PRALHAD remembered HIM and realized that HE is present everywhere. All forms SHIVA, RAM ,HARI are same. They are not going to come from else where .What is present from that only they will appear. I should learn to make myself as PRALHAD and not as Hiranyakashyapu. I should try to learn what I want to become. IF HE comes as BHAGVAN NARSIMHA I should become PRALHAD.I should call KAYAGU as mother. I should call HIM to destroy my TAMOGUNI AHAMKAR. In MY LIFE I AM PRALHAD, KAYAGU AND Hiranyakashyapu. I CAN PLAY ALL ROLES IN MY LIFE, EXCEPT NARSIMHA. To become NARSIMHA is very difficult. Which role I want to play depends on me. But I prefer to become Hiranyakashyapu and ask HIM to come and kill me by HIS NAILS. But same time PRAGHNYA comes and reminds me and devotion is started as she makes me aware that till I forget HIM sorrow will be there. KUNTI – mother of PANDAVA always asked DUKH or difficulty in her life because of that she will continuously remember HIM. And when HIS NAMSMARAN is there sorrows went away. In MARATHI , a saying is famous – whether my budhi is big or buffalo is big? In our case buffalo is bigger than our budhi while for SAINTS BUDHI is bigger than buffalo. Try to become PRALHAD in life. LALITA always helps you to become PRALHAD. Try to realize power of HER NAILS and hence try to learn to become a devotee. I am VIBHAKT (not devotee) from HIM. When I will remove A KAR from AHAMKAR , LALITA will control Hypothalamus and P-S and S-S. I always listen a story and say it is good. Through a story GOD (HE) wanted to teach me. I never see that and become Hiranyakashyapu. so NARSINHA will come after Hiranyakashyapu not to kill Hiranyakashyapu, not to respond a call from PRALHAD ,not to save PRALHAD, but to convert Hiranyakashyapu to HANUMAN, to save LOVE center in Hypothalamus, to save KAYAGU. I love my wife, husband, mother , father , but actually I only love to my need. Mother and father brings up their child with LOVE. But when they become aged son never looks after them. This is conditional LOVE.TRUE LOVE ALWAYS WANT TO GIVE AWAY and not to accept from other. LAITA is same LOVE which always gives away and never expects from you. Try to know HIS PRIYATAMA - HIS PRIYA- LALITA . To become HANUMAN from Hiranyakashyapu I should call PRAGHYA means LALITA. I must realize HER LEELA. HARI OM
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